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Get early access to the new Home dashboard

Artem avatar
Shared by Artem • November 29, 2024

Hi there,

Exciting news! Today, we are rolling out Home - a new centralised dashboard for enhanced campaign management and monitoring - in early access, and you have the opportunity to access it. Here's what's in store for you:

Direct access to AI copilot

The new dashboard gives you direct access to Audrey, your new AI copilot, giving you instant answers to all your questions, so you can stay productive no matter the time of day.

Enhanced campaign monitoring

The dashboard allows you to oversee the health of your campaigns and integrations at a glance, helping you spot which require attention and proactively address potential issues.

Centralised activities and notifications

In the dashboard, you can stay updated on your most recent activities and get real-time alerts related to your campaign measurements, allowing you to quickly pick up where you left off and always be in the loop.

Please contact your Customer Success Manager or our support team if you want early access to Home.